In the coming days...
Sat 14 Sep 24
Vigil Mass at 18:00
Sun 15 Sep 24
Mass at 10:00
Mass at 11:30
Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year
Isaiah 50:5-9
Psalm 114:1-6.8-9
James 2:14-18
Mark 8:27-35
How do I register my child for First Communion/Confirmation?
To register your child for either of the above, please contact the office on 02 720 1970 or by email through the contact link provided. Notices will appear in 'Words' and also on our website about when the classes will start. Or you can register at our 'Meet 'n' Greet BBQ which takes place in September.
How do I arrange a Baptism?
Please contact the office on 02 720 1970 or by e.mail through the contact link provided.
At what time does Mass take place?
Follow the link for mass times.
How do I come to the church using public transport?
Please check our page with directions here.
How do I come to the church by car?
Please check our page with directions here.
How do I volunteer to help?
If you are interested in volunteering for any of our ministries you can contact the office and your details will be passed on to the appropriate person.
When is Confessions heard?
Confessions take place every Saturday at noon. You can also contact our priests to arrange an appointment.
What is the history behind the Tapestry in Saint Anthony's Church?
Please take a moment to read the following documents:
- The Tapestry in St. Anthony's church - English Version (228.3 KB)
- Der Wandteppich der St. Anthonys Kirche (Deutsch/German) (240.3 KB)
- Historique de la tapisserie de l' glise de St Anthony (Fran ais) (273.1 KB)
What is the history of Saint-Anthony's Parish?
Please take a moment to read the following document:
History of Saint Anthony's Parish and Saint Anthony's Church (297.2 KB)
How can I make a donation to the church?
Through the normal collection in church, by standing order or one off donations. Regular donations by standing order, however small, are most welcome as they help us to predict our income month on month. Our bank details are;
Community of St Anthony
ACC. NO: BE60 7330 6428 5970
You can set up a standing order on line in just a couple of minutes.
Thank you very much.