In the coming days...
Sat 14 Sep 24
Vigil Mass at 18:00
Sun 15 Sep 24
Mass at 10:00
Mass at 11:30
Twenty-Fourth Sunday of the Year
Isaiah 50:5-9
Psalm 114:1-6.8-9
James 2:14-18
Mark 8:27-35
If you are interested in volunteering for any of our ministries you can contact the office and your details will be passed on to the appropriate person.
Altar Servers
Any child who has made their First Holy Communion or adult who is interested in becoming an altar server should contact the office.
We are extremely blessed to have three vibrant choirs in our Parish.
Church linens
To keep the church linens in pristine condition.
Coffee and Doughnuts
Coffee and doughnuts after Sunday Masses serve a very important function in our Parish.
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
Eucharistic Ministers and lectors play an important part in supporting the parish priest and getting lay people involved in the religious life of the Church.
Lectors are also required to attend training sessions, also run by Fr Pat.
These ministries are open to all.
Flower Arranging
A small group of women take turns to prepare the altar with flowers for Mass on Saturday and Sunday.
Meet 'n' Greet
Every September, the priests and Parish host a brunch that is primarily dedicated to welcoming newcomers in the last year to our Parish. It is also the day to sign up to help in the many ministries that take place in our Parish.
Parish Fayre
Every year, in June, St Anthony's holds a Parish Fayre. It has become an annual fixture for the Brussels expat community for over 20 years and in those years, we have also seen more and more locals attending.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body acting in an advisory capacity to the parish priest. We meet once a month, normally the 2nd Tuesday at 19:30. Our meetings are open to all and if you would be interested in joining us, please come along.
Finance Council
It is written in Canon Law that every Parish must have a Parish Finance Council. The responsibility of this council is to assist the parish priest with respect to the supervision of all the material goods belonging to the Parish within the limits of the Code of Canon Law and applicable civil law.
Knights of St. Thomas More
The Knights of St Thomas More are based at St. Anthony's and perform numerous activities for the Parish, fundraising activities and spiritual and fraternal development for Catholic adult men in our community. They meet monthly in the Parish Hall and you can find out more information by contacting them through their website